(AP3F055-PM006) Project Monitoring Assistance: Dili Solid Waste Management PPP Project
Project Monitoring
The target beneficiaries are

1. Residents of the Municipality of Dili
2. Dili Municipal Authority (DMA)
3. National Directorate of Urban Organization (NDOU), Ministry of State Administration (MSA)


ADB has provided project definition assistance in support of the Dili Solid Waste Management Project since 2017. This support is nearing completion and has already enabled the Ministry of State Administration (MSA) to launch three (3) tenders for contracts that generated interest from the private sector.

Anticipating the successful awarding and signing of contracts covering critical operational areas, the Ministry seeks further assistance from ADB and AP3F to prepare for monitoring phase of the project. AP3F support is deemed crucial in gauging the performance of the selected private sector partners, particularly during the first three years of construction and operation, based on previously agreed upon key performance indicators (KPIs) stipulated in the contracts.


Key Activities
  1. Assist MSA/DMA in reviewing and completing conditions precedent to the commencement of the SWM Project’s activities under the Contracts.
  2. Assist MSA/DMA in monitoring the private sector partners’ compliance with obligations under the Contracts in assisting MSA/DMA in providing supervision, inspection and project management services.
  3. Advise government of Timor-Leste (GOTL) regarding remediation measures to be taken if KPIs are not met, including payment of liquidated damages, occurrence of events of default, occurrence of force majeure events, and possibly suspension and/or termination of the Contract(s) followed by hand back of Project Assets and replacement of the private sector partner(s), if needed.
  4. Train PMU staff on the above roles and establish suitable contract management processes so that they may independently perform the tasks post-completion of the monitoring TA; and
  5. Generally brief GOTL on the SWM Project in periodic meetings among the Project’s stakeholders (MSA, DMA, CNA, MOF, Ministry of Public Works, Secretary of State for the Environment, etc., as applicable).
Expected Outcomes

By 2023, all contracts in full operation.